IAH-SA Newsletter March 2020
Dear IAH – SA members
It’s time to put certain IAH activities on hold until we have clarity on how the year will unfold with regards to COVID-19.
The two activities that were gaining momentum; but have been stalled are:
- Post-graduate information sharing session (University Stellenbosch – University Western Cape – University of Cape Town) scheduled for 8th April 2020 is on hold.
- IAH – Workshop (Drilling & Monitoring) 30 September – 2 October 2020. We have a really good workshop planned; including key presentations from drillers; case studies; Panel discussions (health & safety issues; national regulations etc); guidelines on how to supervise drilling; monitoring technologies; and a field trip with good socializing opportunities. Please save the date now!
This time of slow down means we can also sort out new IAH bank accounts and other admin.
Our IAH – SA constitution requires that a new committee must be elected every 3 years and a call for nominations went out earlier this year for the 2020 – 2023 IAH – Committee. The response was rather muted however I am pleased to announce the new 2020 – 2023 IAH – SA Committee; namely:-
- Matthys Dippenaar – President (IAH-SA) and Chairman of IAH Congress 2023 bid for South Africa.
- Julian Conrad – Secretary (IAH-SA)
- Kevin Pietersen – Sub-Saharan IAH Vice-President nominee; IAH Trans-boundary Aquifer Commission; Scientific Committee Member for the Brazil Congress (2020)
- Jared van Rooyen (Chairman – IAH – ECHN (Early Career Hydrogeological Network))
- Marlese Nel – Assistance with Workshop Planning, Logistics and student liaison.
I would really like to thank the previous IAH – SA committee for their support and thanks to Dr Kornelius Riemann for his role as IAH_SA secretary. Thanks also to Deidre Cloete (Conferences et al) for workshop planning and organization.
We trust the COVID-19 will taper soon.
Stay healthy & all the best with your hydrogeological endeavours.
Yours sincerely
Julian Conrad
President (2017 – 2020)